Dileep George
Dileep George
AGI Comics
Miguel Lazaro-Gredilla
Space is a latent sequence: Structured sequence learning as a unified theory of representation in the hippocampus
Clone-structured graph representations enable flexible learning and vicarious evaluation of cognitive maps
A detailed mathematical theory of thalamic and cortical microcircuits based on inference in a generative vision model
A Model of Fast Concept Inference with Object-Factorized Cognitive Programs
Learning cognitive maps as structured graphs for vicarious evaluation
Learning undirected models via query training
Different clones for different contexts: Hippocampal cognitive maps as higher-order graphs of a cloned HMM
Memorize-Generalize: An online algorithm for learning higher-order sequential structure with cloned Hidden Markov Models
Learning higher-order sequential structure with cloned HMMs
Beyond Imitation: Zero-shot task transfer on robots by learning concepts as cognitive programs
Cortical micro-circuits from a generative vision model
Explaining Visual Cortex Phenomena using Recursive Cortical Network
A generative model for vision that trains with high data efficiency and breaks text-based CAPTCHAs
Schema Networks: Zero-shot transfer with a generative causal model of intuitive physics
Hierarchical Compositional Feature Learning
A generative model for vision
Learning concepts as cognitive programs